John Headstrong
My stuff on my server
Categories: future web | Comments Off on How-To: Share a folder with a Windows computer from a Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi HQ

Source: How-To: Share a folder with a Windows computer from a Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi HQ

Categories: future web | Comments Off on Internet Protocol – IPv4 vs IPv6 as Fast As Possible – YouTube
Categories: future web | Comments Off on 10 Best GitHub Alternatives to Host Open Source Projects

Source: 10 Best GitHub Alternatives to Host Open Source Projects     t.

Categories: future web | Comments Off on Now Is The Perfect Time For An RSS Renaissance

Source: Now Is The Perfect Time For An RSS Renaissance

Categories: future web | Comments Off on Creative Commons Platforms – Creative Commons

Source: Creative Commons Platforms – Creative Commons

Categories: future web | Comments Off on Tim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent ‘weaponised’ web | Technology | The Guardian

Source: Tim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent ‘weaponised’ web | Technology | The Guardian

Categories: future web | Comments Off on The Platform Co-op Is Coming for Uber | P2P Foundation

Source: The Platform Co-op Is Coming for Uber | P2P Foundation

Categories: future web | Comments Off on IPFS is the Distributed Web

Source: IPFS is the Distributed Web

Categories: future web | Comments Off on The Inventors of the Internet Are Trying to Build a Truly Permanent Web | WIRED

Source: The Inventors of the Internet Are Trying to Build a Truly Permanent Web | WIRED

Categories: future web | Comments Off on ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network

Source: ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network

Categories: future web | Comments Off on SAFE Network – Secure Access For Everyone

Source: SAFE Network – Secure Access For Everyone

Categories: future web | Comments Off on WTF is The Blockchain? – Hacker Noon

The problem is that they are singular in number. If a chaos has to be injected in the society, all it requires is one person/organization to go corrupt, intentionally or unintentionally. Source: WTF is The Blockchain? – Hacker Noon

John Headstrong My stuff on my server

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