John Headstrong
My stuff on my server
buggr, I think I lost.
Categories: General

oh well, that was fun !

I think I lost the vote to become a MEP for scotland. (it was really close, I know of a room FULL of geeks at a LAN game texting at 11.52, cheers guys!!) I am quite gutted to be honest, I really felt like shaking the whole political tree and seeing what popped out.

The process has not been without merit, I have been in contact with a few other people standing in other areas and they seem to be sound people. I will still be in contact with the juryteam and watch the European election with interest.

oh, well. good luck to everyone that has won. I hope you can all handle the media circus that is about to start.

1 Comment to “buggr, I think I lost.”

  1. Alan Wallace says:

    John – you do know that this is just the start don’t you? You’ve just come second on the candidate list – now the six candidates go forward to fight the election itself. We’ve all got six weeks of campaigning in front of us.

John Headstrong My stuff on my server

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