John Headstrong
My stuff on my server
Trales Alpene Hydro-hybrid diesel heater 7kw (air and liquid) .se
Categories: General

Trales alpene Hydro-Hybrid is the most complete diesel heater on the market, a powerhouse that meets all needs!

Being able to heat both air & water directly from one and the same unit is very unique and really opens up possibilities. our Hydro-hybrid model comes in a very compact design without skimping on either effect or function. 12v or 230v power is needed to drive the fan and circulation pump while the diesel is responsible for the heat. The water circulates through the integrated heat exchanger in the diesel heater which heats the water which can then be used for e.g. waterborne underfloor heating, the water heater or to preheat the engine. At the same time, you have a comfortable warm air circulation in the space. About 40% of the heat ends up in the liquid and the remaining 60% becomes hot air. The diesel heater can be run without liquid if you wish.

The diesel consumption is 0.15-0.71L/hour depending on the power mode, at the same time the power consumption amounts from 9 to 65w also there depending on the power and if the circulation pump is working. The circulation pump can either be controlled automatically using the integrated thermostat or manually using the buttons in the display. With the help of the display, you have an overview of the current power, fan speed, temperature and voltage of the unit. Easily regulate the power easily between 1500-7000w using the knob on the display.

This unit is available as 12v, 24v and 230v

Source: Trales Alpene Hydro-hybrid diesel heater 7kw (air and liquid) .se

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