Source: The Platform Co-op Is Coming for Uber | P2P Foundation
Source: Council Estate Permaculture: creating a resilient productive garden on a compacted lawn | Blog

Source: Easy Tesla Coil!: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
Source: · GitHub

Some even went so far as to suggest it was an intentional choice to try to do Scotland down but, as former National columnist Angry Salmond noted, “the notion that they’ve turned the weathermen against us seems unlikely.” Source: Scotland is now ‘finally’ the right size on BBC’s new weather map | The National
Source: The History of Women’s Rights – Online Course
Source: IPFS is the Distributed Web
Source: The Inventors of the Internet Are Trying to Build a Truly Permanent Web | WIRED
Source: ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network
Source: SAFE Network – Secure Access For Everyone
Forgot what an amazing tune this is. Mattafix
Physicist and saxophonist Stephon Alexander has argued in his many public lectures and his book The Jazz of Physics that Albert Einstein and John Coltrane had quite a lot in common. Source: John Coltrane Draws a Picture Illustrating the Mathematics of Music | Open Culture
put a voltage of 2.73V + (X * 0.01V) where X is the temperature in degrees Celcius. The analogRead command digitises this analogue voltage to a whole number in the range 0 to 1023 with 0 corresponding to 0.00V and 1023 corresponding to 5.00V. Source: Arduino Solar Water Heating Pump Controller Design and Code | […]
Source: Loomio and the problem of deliberation | openDemocracy
Source: Loomio – Better decisions together
in that way harm reduction challenges what our society typically means by healthy, well, and quality of life by asserting that those things don’t automatically or inherently exclude drug use. Source: How Harm Reduction Helps Me Heal: Moving Beyond Traditional Ideas of Recovery
The problem is that they are singular in number. If a chaos has to be injected in the society, all it requires is one person/organization to go corrupt, intentionally or unintentionally. Source: WTF is The Blockchain? – Hacker Noon
fecking WOW!!
Hear The Drummer
found a tune that I have been looking for for years !!
Source: headstrong2.png (1200×800)
Source: 27 Borderline Genius Ideas For Anyone Who Camps With Their Car
because originals

A video showing desert critters secretly filmed approaching a water bucket to quench their thirst is going viral. We see different creatures, from bees, to chickens, to a donkey and a rabbit. The video was uploaded by John Wells from The Field Lab, a Southwest Texas alternative energy and sustainable living field laboratory. Source: Guy […]